Thursday, October 29, 2009

Seasonal Flu or Not?

Hmm... the last time I caught a cold was when I went jogging in winter with thin layer clothes.

I have been down with sore throat, stuffed nose and fever for the past 3 days and still counting! I would say its the longest I ever suffered from seasonal flu. I must have got the bug from other colleagues in my lab :(

I must have had a high fever last night (I don't know cause I don't have a thermometer). I kept waking up and kept thinking about the paper I am suppose to write. LOL..nope, I didn't get any creative ideas. Just jumbled thoughts that just kept coming even though I tried to sleep. I managed to fall asleep after taking 2 panadol.

A friend suggested that I checked the symptoms for H1N1. It seems that H1N1 starts with a fever and is followed by sore throat, runny nose, cough and one might even suffer from vomiting and diarrhoea. Well, mine started with a sore throat. So the sequence is different.

Well, I will wait and see it the flu persists and go see a doctor next Monday if it does. *Bleh*

Saturday, October 17, 2009


This kind of bicycle is known as "ママチャリ" in Japan. Perhaps its because most ladies ride it here.
I got mine handed down from a Thai friend, whos friend handed it down to him.

Its a great bike! Old and the tyres are a kind of worned out but it gets me from my home in Higashi Tamagawa to university in Ookayama in less than 15minutes, home to the train station, university to Tokyu Store for groceries and sometimes to friend's at Hatanodai :D

I have always wanted to ride the bicycle in Japan. They have lanes, although sometimes narrow, for bicycles and pedestrians. There are not too many cars on the roads, so its pretty safe.

Now that its autumn, its feel even better as I don't sweat as much as in the summer. However, I cannot yet imagine riding it in winter. 寒いかな。

Living my Japanese dream :D

Saturday, October 10, 2009

'Kabocha' Pudding

My appreciation to Matthias and Tae for throwing me a birthday party last weekend :)

Delicious 'kabocha' (pumpkin) pudding on my 29th year!