Saturday, August 06, 2016

Simple Arrabbiata Spaghetti and Stir-Fry Taugeh

My kitchen space is so small that I can only cook one-dish meals conveniently. I have been thinking about how to cook for a party in that small space. After making dinner, I thought that this could be one of the choices for main dish - organic Arrabbiata spaghetti. In order to remember the steps, I am writing this down.

Stir-fry chop garlic and dried 小エビ。Then add in cut yellow pepper and shiitake mushrooms. Pour in the Arrabbiata sauce and add black pepper at the end. I used whole-wheat spaghetti and it tastes really good!

Japan has a fascination with fish- or squid-cakes. Today, I stir-fried 'taugeh' (Hokkien for bean sprouts), ねぎ、carrots, cabbage, mushrooms and the eda-mame fish cake, with chopped garlic and oyster sauce. Pretty good too! Simple dishes makes a happy stomach and person.

Next up, I will try to make 'sambal' (Malay for chili paste) without the 'belacan' (Malay for dried shrimp paste) and apple-fruit juice jelly. Apparently, in summer, Japanese people likes to make transparent fruit jellies. I saw a grandma making the kiwi, peach, and apple fruit jelly on the television today - inspired.

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